Toni Jackson

When asked about her personal mission, Toni Jackson replied it includes “empathizing, embracing, enhancing, educating and empowering . . . My approach to volunteerism is the same as my approach to a paid position.  I give it my all!”.  

My work ethic comes from my parents, who were inspired by the words of Martin Luther King, Jr: “Everybody can be great. Because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. . . . You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

Community Service & Volunteering Avail Much

Toni Jackson SERIES posts:

  • Community Service & Volunteering Avail Much: Toni Jackson
  • 4 Things That Thriving Non-profits Do Really Well
  • Stronger Working Together: Executive Directors and Non-profit Boards
  • Achieving Better Outcomes: 2 Must-do Habits of Non-profits
  • Toni Talks: Starting a Non-profit Organization
  • Volunteers: An Essential Element of Many Non-profits

Read More Series Snapshot / Toni Jackson: Community Service & Volunteerism

Non-profits: Better Outcomes


Given the wide range of skills and backgrounds to be ideally found at a meeting of Board members and the Executive Director, a well-led non-profit makes sure these men and women harmoniously complement one another.  In this post, Toni Jackson explores how the Executive Director and Board members are stronger working together. Working apart is avoided whenever possible. The odd coupling of gifts within some non-profit organizations can allow them to thrive where others would simply struggle.

Read More Stronger Working Together: Executive Directors and Non-profit Boards

Non-profit Leadership

8931832451_9720cff219_bIn growing a non-profit, a leader will encounter ‘the good, the bad, and the ugly’.   As long as they learn from challenges along the way, they’ll be well-positioned for better outcomes in the future.  In an effort to make the journey of others better, Sofia S Crisp took time, in the last 2 posts, to openly share some of her own non-profit journey challenges.  Her other purpose, in telling her story here, was making it clear that her organization “prevailed over every challenge it faced”.  It emerged as ‘a stronger organization’ she strongly feels.  She firmly believes that others can also overcome their challenges.  Ironically, the seeds of a non-profit leader’s future successes often lie in the challenges they’ve overcome.

In this Series, My Non-profit Journey: What I Wish I Knew When I Started, eight leadership wishes shared by Sofia Crisp with Your Outcomes Well will be explored.  In the last two posts we explored her second wish (Challenges I’ve Faced)

  • Crisp is the Executive Director/Founder of Housing Consultants Group (Greensboro NC).
  • Her 3rd wish: Successes I’ve AchievedBuilding a Better Board, to allow her organization to achieve better outcomes, is the topic of this blog post.

Read More My Non-profit Journey: Building the Right Board

Non-profit fundraising Non-profit Leadership Non-profits: Better Outcomes Starting a Non-profit