Series Snapshot: Robin Morgan (Non-profits)

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Robin Morgan

Unconditional Service: Robin Morgan’s Non-profit Mission

I was raised to be, not a servant, but a person who is willing to serve unconditionally.   And the good Lord didn’t put you here to just make money, to just be a family.   He put you here to leave a legacy.

And that can be knowledge, that can be money, that can be service. To me, it’s service.  The more [people] I can connect with, the more people I can connect.   I thrive on that!”

Unconditional Service: Robin Morgan’s Non-profit Mission

Financial Talk for Non-profits: From a Seasoned Pro

Good Non-profit Leaders: Seeing the Forest Too!

5 Habits of People who Start Non-profits Successfully

4 Must-have Qualities of Exceptional Non-profit Leaders

Non-profit Leadership: Tell-tale Signs of an Ineffective Leader

Successful Time Management for Non-profit Leaders

“While virtually all founders have the passion, what many don’t have is a good knowledge of leadership, management, and finance, and all the other things that go with effectively running a non-profit organization.  If someone opens the doors of their non-profit, and is relying only on the merits of their Mission, however grand, it takes a very short time for the money to go away. 

  • No cash, no mission.  No mission, no organization”.

5 Habits of People who Start Non-profits Successfully

Your Outcomes Well

Better outcomes through Best Practices (Non-profit leaders)


Your Outcomes Well

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